Introducing the “Ofcourse I Said So” blog…

About the author

Hi welcome to my blog, my name is… Well my name is not important. My name will not tell you what kind of a person I am. So how about I focus on the kind of person I am instead…

I’m a young black(hate that word but oh well we’ll get to that later on) opinionated enterprising male with an IQ of 139(according to, if they are to be trusted). I have two varsity degrees in IT and BBA and loads of other degrees from the University of Life(the streets)

About the blog

Introducing the “Ofcourse I Said So” blog – a space where pretenses are dropped as I share my personal and often controversial piece of mind that deal with real issues ranging from love, life, health, sex, money and politics with a hint of humor.  Some will be funny, some will be offensive, some will at first sound brutally harsh and some will make you think “wow, at last somebody said that”.

And though I invite comments and emails from subject matter experts to provide guidance, and readers to offer insights you will need to remember I am not doing this to make friends or lovey dovey buddies. This is my blog, my opinion, my two cents sense and you need not to be here.

My goal is to tackle my raw experiences and share my point of view on everyday life and learn a new and healthier way to face them. Together, we’ll create a village to support and encourage debate in a fun and factual way. By sharing your views as well we can weave them together in the tapestry of experiences and create some warmth and comfort for others on a similar path, and for new generations facing similar circumstances. This will be especially powerful when we add the component of wisdom and inspiration.

Ernest Hemingway once said, “All we have to do is write one true sentence.” As a ground rule for sharing on this blog, please tell the truth. Your truth. (You don’t have to limit it to one sentence.) Also, if you submit entries that includes others names, please respect their right to privacy and change their names.

I love facts. Tangible facts. Please try to use as much as you can when using comment section.

Enjoy the blog, and remember…

We all want to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. We all can make a difference by sharing our views and lessons learned.


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